What Causes Anxiety?

Anxiety is a feeling of unease, this can be fear or worry it is a natural human response when we feel that we are under threat.  This can be experienced through our thoughts, feelings and physical sensations.  It is common to experience anxiety if you are coping with stressful changes or events certainly those that can have a big impact on your life.

What Does Anxiety Feel Like ?

Anxiety feels different for everyone. You might experience some of the things listed below, and you might also have other experiences or difficulties that aren’t listed here.

Anxiety can cause the following possible effects on your body:

• sleep problems
• feeling light-headed or dizzy
• panic attacks
• feeling restless or unable to sit still
• headaches, backache or other aches and pains
• a stomach churning feeling
• a fast, thumping or irregular heartbeat
• sweating or hot flushes
• grinding your teeth, especially at night
• faster breathing
• changes in your sex drive
• nausea

What Causes Stress

We have all suffered with some form of stress in our life. Maybe you’re stressed at work, or a new job. Perhaps you’ve had a bereavement or experiencing money or relationship issues. It’s not always negative things that can cause stress, sometimes happy events like moving house or planning your wedding can ‘stress you out’.

What Does Stress Feel Like?

Stress feels different for everyone. You might experience some of the things listed below, and you might also have other experiences or difficulties that aren’t listed here.

Stress can cause some of the following:

• stomach problems
• difficulty in concentrating
• constant worrying
• feeling overwhelmed
• headaches or dizziness
• being forgetful
• sleeping too little or too much
• avoiding certain people or places
• drinking or smoking more
• faster breathing or chest pains
• changes in your sex drive
• nausea