Life Coaching is a process that will help you identify and achieve goals, develop your belief in yourself and your success, develop your talents and skills to create the kind of lifestyle that allows you to develop your potential.
- I will work with YOU to identify and achieve YOUR goals
- I will support YOU to develop YOUR belief in YOU and YOUR success
- I will support YOU to develop YOUR talents and skills to createthe lifestyle YOU desire
- To support and help YOU develop YOUR potential
Who is Life Coaching for?
Life Coaching is for anybody who is committed and wants to make a positive change in their life.
Why would you see a Life Coach?
- To create balance in YOUR life
- To take control of YOUR life
- To reduce stress
- To set goals and work towards YOUR dreams
- To have a clear direction in YOUR life
Why see me?
- I will encourage YOU
- Help YOU to take positive action
- To develop new skills
- Help YOU gain confidence
- Support YOU to make the changes that YOU want to make
What happens during Life Coaching?
- We will talk so YOU can take action
- The session will be as structured as YOU want it to be
- It will be informal and relaxed
- YOU will lead the process
- A number of valuable techniques can be used from my toolbox of knowledge to help YOU make these lasting changes – it is all about changing YOUR thoughts, beliefs and feelings whilst breaking old habit, build self confidence and create a healthy balance in YOUR life